হেক্টরের যুদ্ধযাত্রা 1

Once the ancient city of Troy was under the threat of attackers from a foreign kingdom. King Priam gave the duty of preventing the attackers to his son Prince Hector. The prince decided to take three horses from the stable. But the horses were a bit naughty.

The horses were stationed in a single line. As such, every horse had the chance to make friendship with the horse beside him. If three horses are chosen and at least two of the three doesn't have friendship with each other, then they don't get any inspiration to get into battle.

But, if two of the horses are friends with the third horse, then they spend their time gossiping. If there are a total of $50$ horses in the stable, then in how many ways can Hector choose his three horses where the probability of his winning the war is maximum?


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